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JULY 2025

(Monday, July 21 to Sunday, July 27)

"Freemasonry: Building Better Human Beings"


– Organized by the International Museum of Freemasonry –



  • International Masonic Art Contest

  • Comic Strips: panels and albums on the theme "Mysteries and Freemasonry"

  • International Freemasonry through its symbols


  • Lectures and roundtables (Late afternoon and evening - Admission by donation)

    • Central theme: "Freemasonry: Building Better Human Beings"

    • The Art of Builders (By artists leading the art workshops)

    • Please note that the lectures will be broadcast live on the internet.

  • Concert (Thursday evening)

  • Art workshops (Participant numbers are limited for each workshop)

    • Stone carving discovery

    • Fresco

    • Medieval drawings and the golden ratio

    • Mosaic

    • Stained glass

  • Book selections

Week Schedule

Monday evening: official opening

Thursday evening: concert night

Sunday morning: Awards ceremony - Induction of VIP guests and winners as Knights of Castillonnès in the “Brotherhood of the True Friends of Castillonnès.”

Sunday noon: closing banquet according to the customs of the Brotherhood of the True Friends of Castillonnès.             

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Discover the exceptional event of Summer 2025

Organized by the International Museum of Freemasonry

Audience at Lecture
Audience at Lecture
Audience at Lecture
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Audience at Lecture
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Stone carving

Discover stone carving by crafting a "cubic polyhedron." This object will allow you to explore many stone carving techniques. You will get hands-on experience by drawing the sides (templates) for tracing the polyhedron, cutting a cube with a stone saw, and shaping the six sides.

6 hours of training with David Poiron

All skill levels welcome

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Stained glass

Discover the beauty of stained glass.
In this workshop, you don't need to have a specific idea, as we have plenty of examples to inspire you. You will work with different types of glass, learn to cut, grind, solder, and much more.

6 hours of training with Irm Franssen

All skill levels welcome

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Discover the traditional techniques of mosaics.
You will be able to choose geometric patterns from antiquity and learn to cut small stone fragments to compose your mosaic. You will use specific varieties of cement to seal the tiles of your creation.

6 hours of training with Patricia Bourin

All skill levels welcome

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Medieval Drawing - Golden Ratio

Discover medieval drawings using the ancient tools of cathedral builders.

6 hours of training with David Poiron

All skill levels welcome

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Fresco technique

Discover the art of natural lime painting and fresco by creating it on a 50 x 50 cm surface.
You will learn about slaked lime, carbonation, limewash, and lime coating. You will understand the difference between a fresco and a mural painting. You'll use a spatula, trowel, brush, cat’s tongue brush, float, and more.

6 hours of training with David Poiron

All skill levels welcome

Art Workshops

Stained Glass Artist

Irm Franssen

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Lecture on the Art of Stained Glass (English - French Translation

Director of Publication

from 450.FM magazine - LOL Publications

Franck Fouqueray

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Companion artisan in heritage masonry, stone carver, and eco-builder.

David Poiron

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Lecture on the Art of Builders (In French)




Lecture on Freemasonry in the United States



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Our Speakers

(The list is updated as confirmations are received)

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Discover the IMAC

- - Journal de la FM sous tous ses angles


Sapere Aude

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Mairie de Castillonnès

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Our partners

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