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Thousands of printed and digital books

Accessible to everyone, the numerous books will allow the curious to extend their visit with moments of reading and relaxation.

For the curious

A section of the library will offer the younger ones an enjoyable time surrounded by comic books and various age-appropriate books.

For the younger ones

Printed and digital books in multiple languages will be available for researchers looking to use the museum and the town as a foundation for their work. These works will be accessible in more specialized fields such as history, philosophy, theology, archaeology, and more.

For the researchers

Writing is an important activity naturally associated with books. The museum will have a dedicated space for authors. They can work on their works there and also participate in and lead writing workshops.

For the authors

A free Wi-Fi internet network is available to all visitors, providing the opportunity to explore digital works and archives while browsing the internet.

For the surfers

Expanding digital collections, scanning old documents and books, and searching for lost works will be ways offered to participants to support the museum's mission.

For the futurists

A vast library

A library is the perfect complement to a museum. One of the founding members of the IMFM will donate a large collection of books he owns. Directly and indirectly related to Freemasonry, these works will form the basis of a collection in multiple languages. There's no doubt that this collection of works will continue to grow with donations and purchases made by visitors and donors in support of the museum.

As explained earlier, the museum already has a significant collection of books. However, this is not the case for new releases, and many essential works are not included. If you are an author or a publisher, please contact us using the button below so we can discuss the best way to feature your books and showcase your work or publishing house.

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